Kamis, 14 Mei 2009



PT. Emesi Consultant originally incorporated CV. was established on September 06, 1989, based on Akte Notaris Ny. Chairani Bustami, SH No. 11. and recent changes to PT. with Akte No. 09, dated 27 April 2005 with Akte Notaris Ny. Herawaty Harun, SH. The consultant build by founders experience after three years working in a consultant in Medan, a consortium of companies with a foreign national, to be more independent and rapidly growing in the world that move hat is the obsession and concern of the founders of this until now remained a source of motivation that is in accordance with his name beginning from MSI (Management System Integrited), as proximity to the integrated concept in managing business. But written in a modified based on the pronunciation or spelling of the third letter, written with a final "EMESI".

In another sense is a bit associated with the Batak ethnic understanding, Emesi means "the rice", or of course the founder of all the relevant parties (stakeholders), whether staff or company employee and service user consultant this (customer). Literally means the company is a source of energy man, because of the view that rice is a traditional source of energy for human life in Australia for work.

In conducting consultation, giving the company flexibility to experts consisting of strata S1 and S2 the various fields of expertise to develop the skill, creativity, innovation fully to achieve the quality and value are desired by our client or partner.


Become the company's design engineering consulting services and management in accordance with the desired value by the task, and able to compete/competitive among consulting companies in North Sumatra.


Provide professional services expertise in various fields such as detailed planning (detail design), study, analysis, concept, engineering supervision and management.
To the Government and the private ethics, honesty, and responsibility based on ethical professional and able to provide the best solution and intelligent plan in accordance with the schedule, efficiency of progress and changes of time.

Service expertise to serve the needs and the desired Client (User Services) that have value or the value, both the design (design) are architectural, technical, economic, management, organization and other professional services.


1. Implement the planning road and bridge construction, many building floor, factories, ports, steel building construction, building water and others, including mechanical work and elektrikal, which consists of:

§ Engineering Method.

§ Detail Engineering.

§ Calculation of Structure and Detail Design.

§ Image-the image plan, using a computer such as Autocad, and software (software) other.

§ Provide advice review engineering to the Board of Directors Project and Contracting Implementing a Project.

2. Economic Analysis System

§ Optimaziation and Resource Efficiency.

§ Sensitivity analysis Ekonomisasi Project.

§ Supervision or Control System.


  1. Preparation of Rural and Urban Planning Program as Term (PJM), General Spatial Plan (RUTR), Spatial Plan Details (RDTR), General Spatial Plan Area (RUTRK) and others.
  2. Preparation of Special Area Master Plan, such as Regions Tourism, Industrial Area and Central Business Area (Central Business District).
  3. The preparation of the Term (PJM) and the Long Term for a Specific Area and Development Area.
  4. Preparation Propeda (Regional Development Program) and the Planning Year (Strategic Plan) Regional and Sectoral.
  5. Setting Up Profile and General Figure and The Program Development Program, both the Regional and Sectoral Development.


1. Conducting Survey or Pre-naisance Recon Survey, Survey on the depth:

§ Resources Survey

§ Soil Survey and Investigation

§ And Topographical Mapping

§ Geological Survey

§ Water Resources Survey

§ Environmental Assessment

§ Geographical Information System GIS) and Global Posititioning System (GPS)

2. Implement integrated research (research integrited) of a product development and

results, including the extent to which the implications for society.

3. Serving research in conjunction with Board / Institute of environmental concern.

4. Conducting market research and studies on market opportunities and the projected sustainability of the market a business.


1. Prepare advice or advice of the architect-tural plan of the building and building renovation and development of a region.

2. Provide views and advice for the prospective service user relations consultant in the development of per-tamanan, and the settlement is truly comprehensive and modis in accordance with the progress of the age or contemporary.

3. Preparing architectural images that touch the image with the ability and sophistication computerization.


1. Serve advice and consultancy services on investment / capital investment and business development, either in the form of large and small, such as:
Serving Rating and Natural Resources (Research).

    • Rating Asset Company and Business Feasibility Studies.
    • Assist and support to serve market research for business development.

2. Serve management consulting services to the building, company, human resources.

3. Setting up an integrated Information Management System.

4. Able to give the management of Integrated Quality Management or Total Quality Management (TQM).

5. Provide services that are advisory in House Consultancy.

6. Setting up the simulation system and the organization and management system based on a computerized inventory.

7. Provide analysis of the concept of a system of values and process-Peng ambilan decisions based quantitative approach to management.


1. Provide training, education apli-cause planning, supervision, the study of human resource government agencies and private companies.

2. Efisensi analyze the effectiveness and management of human resources that are tailored to the business plan and management strategy in the framework of the appropriate competition.

3. Developing information system resources based computerization and management information systems.

4. Providing human resources ready to institutions, corporate users and skilled experts.

PT. EMESI CONSULTANT Medan, since standing up to now has cooperation as business partners (strategic alliances) to provide services in consultation with various parties, both among the consultants, Agency /Government Agency/ Private and Research Institutions and Universities, among others:

1. National consultant in Medan.
2. Agency Pengkajian and Scientific Research.
3. University Affairs / Private.
4. Center / Computer Institute.
5. Agency / Private Professional Institutions.
6. Laboratory / Materials Testing Center.
7. The move is in the field of engineering and business.

Selasa, 07 April 2009

Beyond Greening: Strategies for a Sustainable World…


China is looking for renewable resources and environmental tools as China hurtles towards becoming a fully industrialised state. In recent years, China’s environmental protection sector swelled by 15-20% allowing many green businesses the opportunity to play a salient role in transforming the way that companies manage their resources. CDM and water have been the most important sectors which are on Chinese Government’s top agenda.

China is the biggest player in the carbon trading market and largest seller of carbon credits. Hydro power, wind power, biomass power, solar and other renewable energy are restructuring China’s energy mix and taking 15% share of total primary energy in China by 2020. Hundreds of CDM, energy-saving and emission reduction projects in China present tremendous business opportunities to both domestic green business owners and overseas investors. The development and market liberalization of water industry has also put China in the spotlight. Several global players such as VEOLIA, SUEZ, GE have already got their feet in the door and are awaiting further opportunities to force their way deeper within China’s booming water and waste market.

However, all this comes at a time when investors worry that global economy turmoil will crimp profits and growth. What are the smartest moves for sustainable development and long-term profits? Financiers need to know how socially responsible companies intend to cope with the challenges up ahead and get prepared for eventuality. Socially responsible companies need to discover new effective ways to access capital. Green technology providers need to track what technology/equipments are in demand to help companies manage their resources. Regulators need to ensure they can support the green business in timely ways.

China Green Business Summit (CGBS2009) , your gateway to new green business frontier of China, will track various focus points on CDM and carbon trading, water and waste market, providing an ideal platform for both public and private sectors, sellers and buyers to establish contacts. Through three days’ various sessions such as pre-conference workshop, keynote presentations, interactive panel discussions, one-on-one business meetings, projects showcase, cocktail party and exhibition visits, you will hear the perspectives of government authorities and green specialists, with practical solutions put forward for the benefits of attendees.


    • Dialogue with top government officials about United Nations and Chinese government’s initiatives and development plans of CDM and water & waste industry
    • Gain a clearer perspective into cooperation opportunities, local challenges and future outlook of carbon trading and water & waste market
    • Operate in compliance with the latest environmental regulations and take your CSR programme to the next level
    • Probe into key success factors of green business investment in global economic turmoil
    • Identify commercial and legal risks in cross-board transactions and manage risks effectively
    • Learn form real life case studies of world renowned green business giants and their strategies in facing today's challenges
    • Establish contacts with potential sellers / buyers and find your distributors in China
    • Listen to the mastermind panel of green specialists and have all your burning questions answered
    • Benefit from networking opportunities with a distinguished collection of government officials and chief representatives of clean technology providers, socially responsible companies and capital owners

Rabu, 01 April 2009

Kota Tokyo dilihat dari Tokyo Tower, Dec 2008

Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009


Civil, M & E Engineering, Architecture,
Regional Planning, Computerizes, Feasibility
Studies, Human Resources Management, Surveying,
Water Supplies, Plant, Industrializes, Supervision

PT. Emesi Consultant awalnya berbadan hukum CV. didirikan pada tanggal 06 September 1989, berdasarkan Akte Notaris Ny. Chairani Bustami, SH Nomor 11. kemudian perubahan terakhir menjadi PT. dengan Akte No. 09, tanggal 27 April 2005 dengan Akte Notaris Ny. Herawaty Harun, SH. Awal berdirinya konsultan ini dimotivisir oleh pengalaman pendirinya setelah tiga tahun bekerja di sebuah konsultan di Medan, perusahaan konsorsium antara nasional dengan asing; untuk lebih mandiri dan cepat bertumbuh kembang untuk menyumbangkan pengabdiannya dalam dunia usaha yang bergerak dibidang jasa konsultansi.
Apa yang menjadi obsesi dan concern para pendiri hingga sekarang ini tetap menjadi sumber motivasi yakni sesuai dengan namanya yang bermula dari MSI (Management System Integrited), sebagai kedekatan kepada konsep terpadu dalam mengelola usaha. Akan tetapi dalam penulisannya mengalami modified didasarkan kepada pengucapan atau pengejaan ketiga huruf tersebut, yang akhirnya ditulis dengan “EMESI”.
Dalam arti lain agak sedikit dihubungkan dengan pengertian etnis Batak, Emesi berarti “padi si”, tentunya si pendiri atau semua pihak yang terkait (stakeholder), baik itu staf atau employee perusahaan maupun pengguna jasa konsultan ini (customer). Secara harfiah berarti perusahaan ini merupakan sumber enerji dan kemashlahatan manusia, sebab dari pandangan tradisional bahwa padi merupakan sumber energi kehidupan bagi manusia Indonesia untuk berkarya.
Dalam melaksanakan konsultansinya, perusahaan memberikan keleluasaan kepada tenaga ahli yang terdiri dari strata S2 dan S1 berbagai bidang keahlian untuk mengembangkan skill, kreativitas, inovasi secara penuh untuk mencapai mutu dan value yang diinginkan oleh mitra atau Client kami.

alamat e-mail: consultant_emesi@yahoo.com


Menjadi perusahaan penyedia jasa konsultansi disain rekayasa dan manajemen yang sesuai dengan nilai yang diinginkan oleh Pemberi Tugas, dan mampu bersaing/kompetitif diantara perusahaan konsultan di Sumatera Utara.


Memberikan layanan jasa keahlian profesional dalam berbagai bidang seperti perencanaan rinci (detail design), studi, analisis, konsep, pengawasan engineering dan manajemen.
Kepada instansi Pemerintah dan Swasta secara etik, jujur, dan bertanggung jawab berdasarkan etika profesi serta mampu memberikan solusi terbaik dan cerdas sesuai dengan rencana jadual, efisiensi dan antisipatif terhadap kemajuan dan perubahan zaman.

Melayani jasa keahlian sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang diinginkan Client (Pengguna Jasa) yang mempunyai nilai atau value, baik itu rancangan (disain) bersifat arsitektural, teknis, ekonomis, manajemen, organisasi serta layanan profesional lainnya.


1. Melaksanakan perencanaan konstruksi jalan dan jembatan, bangunan berlantai banyak, pabrik, pelabuhan, bangunan konstruksi baja, bangunan air dan lain-lain, termasuk pekerjaan mekanikal dan elektrikal yang terdiri dari:
Engineering Method.
Detail Engineering.
Perhitungan - Perhitungan Structure dan Detail Design.
Gambar - gambar Rencana, dengan menggunakan komputer seperti Autocad, dan Perangkat lunak (software) lainnya.
Memberikan advis review engineer-ing kepada Direksi Proyek dan Kontraktor Pelaksana suatu Proyek.

2. Economic Analysis System
Optimaziation dan Efisiensi Sumber Daya.
Analisa Sensitifitas Ekonomisasi Proyek.
Sistem Pengawasan atau Supervisi.


1. Penyusunan Rural dan Urban Planning seperti Program Jangka Menengah (PJM), Rencana Umum Tata Ruang (RUTR), Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR), Rencana Umum Tata Ruang Kawasan (RUTRK) dan lain-lain.
2. Penyusunan Master Plan Kawasan Khusus, seperti Kawasan Wisata, Kawasan Industri dan Kawasan Pusat Bisnis (Central Business District).
3. Penyusunan Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (PJM) dan Jangka Panjang untuk suatu Kawasan Khusus dan Pengembangan Wilayah.
4. Penyusunan Propeda (Program Pembangunan Daerah) dan Renstra (Rencana Strategis) Daerah dan Sektoral.
5. Menyiapkan Profile dan General Figure Program dan Penyusunan Program Pembangunan, baik itu Pembangunan Sektoral maupun Regional.


1. Melaksanakan Pra Survey atau Recon-naisance Survey, Survey mendalam mengenai:

Resources Survey
Soil Survey and Investigation
Topographical and Mapping
Geological Survey
Water Resources Survey
Environmental Assesment
Geographical Information System GIS) dan Global Posititioning System (GPS)

2. Melaksanakan riset terpadu (integrited research) terhadap suatu produk dan hasil pembangunan, termasuk sejauh mana dampaknya bagi masyarakat.
3. Melayani riset bersama dengan Badan/ Lembaga yang concern terhadap lingkungan hidup.
4. Melakukan riset pasar dan kajian atas peluang pasar serta proyeksi terhadap kelangsungan pasar suatu bisnis.


1. Menyiapkan nasehat atau advis arsitek-tural terhadap rencana bangunan dan renovasi bangunan serta pengembangan suatu kawasan.
2. Memberikan pandangan serta nasehat bagi calon mitra pengguna jasa konsultan dalam pembangunan per-tamanan, dan permukiman yang benar-benar komprehensif dan modis sesuai dengan kemajuan zaman atau kontemporer.
3. Menyiapkan gambar gambar arsitektural yang disentuh dengan kemampuan dan kecanggihan komputerisasi.


1. Melayani jasa konsultansi dan advis mengenai investasi/penanaman modal dan pengembangan usaha, baik dalam bentuk skala besar maupun kecil seperti :
Penyajian dan Penilaian Sumber Daya (Riset).
· Penilaian Aset Perusahaan dan Studi Kelayakan Usaha.
· Membantu dan melayani bantuan riset pasar untuk pengembangan usaha.
2. Melayani jasa konsultansi manajemen untuk bangunan, perusahaan, sumber daya manusia.
3. Menyiapkan sistem manajemen informasi terpadu.
4. Mampu memberikan pengelolaan Manajemen Mutu Terpadu atau Total Quality Management (TQM).
5. Memberikan pelayanan yang bersifat konsultansi In House Consultancy.
6. Menyiapkan simulasi sistem organisasi dan manajemen dan sistem inventory yang berdasarkan komputerisasi.
7. Memberikan analisis yang bersifat konsep sistem nilai dan proses peng-ambilan keputusan yang berbasiskan pendekatan manajemen kuantitatif.

1. Memberikan pelatihan, pendidikan apli-kasi perencanaan, pengawasan, studi terhadap sumber daya manusia instansi pemerintah dan perusahaan swasta.
2. Menganalisis efisensi dan efektivitas manajemen sumber daya manusia yang disesuaikan dengan rencana bisnis dan manajemen strategi yang tepat dalam rangka persaingan.
3. Menyusun sistem informasi sumber daya yang berbasiskan komputerisasi dan manajemen sistem informasi.
4. Menyediakan sumber daya manusia yang siap pakai kepada instansi/lembaga, perusahaan pengguna tenaga ahli dan terampil.

Konsultan Emesi Medan, sejak berdiri hingga sekarang telah menjalin kerjasama sebagai mitra usaha (aliansi strategis) dalam memberikan layanan jasa konsultasi dengan berbagai pihak, baik itu sesama Konsultan, Badan / Instansi pemerintah / Swasta maupun Lembaga Pengkajian dan Penelitian serta Perguruan Tinggi, antara lain :

1. Konsultan Nasional di Medan.
2. Badan Pengkajian dan Penelitian Ilmiah.
3. Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta.
4. Pusat/Lembaga Komputer.
5. Badan/Lembaga Swasta Profesional.
6. Laboratorium/Balai Pengujian Material.
7. Pusat Studi yang bergerak dalam bidang engineering dan bisnis.

Civil, M & E Engineerings, Architecture,
Regional Plannings, Computerizes, Feasibility
Studies, Human Resources Management, Surveyings,
Water Supplies, Plants, Industrializes, Supervisions